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Varicose Veins


Some people, varicose veins may cause aching, pain, legs begin to feel heavy, and tired. Other possible symptoms can be mild swelling, bruising of your ankles and feet, throbbing or cramping in your lower legs. Varicose veins can also cause a change in skin color (known as stasis pigmentation), dry and thinning skin and some will even have open sores and bleeding.


To understand the causes of venous disorders, you have to start with the circulatory system. Our circulatory system is made up of two separate parts: arteries that take the blood from the heart to all the tissues in our bodies and veins that return the blood back to our heart. The arteries benefit from gravity, which pulls the blood downward from our heart, since the veins have to generate their own pumping action to resist gravity and move the blood bank up to our heart. To move the blood in this way, our veins are arranged in two layers: deep veins that run vertically within our muscles and superficial veins that are arranged as a network of thousands of vessels. When the veins are unable to pump blood properly, blood begins to pool in our veins instead of moving upward towards our heart. This pooling is what leads to appearance of spider and varicose veins. 



Here are some risk factors to consider:

- Age

- Family History

- Pregnancy

- Prolonged Sitting or Standing

- Trauma

- History of blood clots (DVT)

- Obesity


The seriousness of vein diseases can range from cosmetic to life-threatening, so it's important to understand varicose veins can lead to more serious health problems. Please consider scheduling  a consultation with us if you think you have a venous disorder or are considering different treatment options. We will be able to evaluate the severity of your condition and recommend the right treatment options for you.

The process of treating the various venous diseases has evolved greatly over time, and what once was a painful process with a lengthy recovery period is now done as an outpatient procedure.



Which procedure is right for you?


Endovenous Laser Treatment is a minimally invasive procedure through which a thin laser fiber is inserted inside the faulty vein under local anesthetic. The laser fiber delivers energy to the vein wall causing it to collapse and seal shut. The blood flow is immediately diverted into nearby functional veins. Patients experience very little, if any, discomfort during this non-invasive vein procedure.

Laser treatment has proven to be up to 98% effective in clinical trials. Veins that have been treated are unlikely to become problematic again.*


Phlebectomy is a minimally invasive procedure in which large varicose veins at the surface of the skin are removed through tiny incisions under local anesthetic. The incisions are small in size and typically do not require sutures.


This procedure is less likely to fix varicose veins when the leg veins are not working well. Legs with varicose veins often do not work well. This procedure and EVLT often go hand-in-hand. If the leg veins are working correctly, then this treatment can be used alone and then followed with sclerotherapy treatments, if needed.



Ultrasound Guided Sclerotherapy (UGS) is a highly specialized procedure for treating advanced varicose veins that are hidden beneath the skin.

The procedure is very effective and involves injecting a sclerosant solution into the abnormal veins using ultrasound guidance, causing the vein wall to collapse. The veins dissolve and disappear as the body gradually absorbs them.


Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure used to treat both varicose veins and spider veins. This procedure involves small injections of a sclerosing (hardening) medication using a very fine, thin needle. The sclerosing medication irritates the vein lining causing it to collapse and seal shut. As the healing process continues, the treated veins will fade from sight.


The first step toward medical vein treatment is conservative management (required by most insurance companies), which includes compression therapy. Prescription level compression stockings that are worn prior to medical treatment. Help to manage symptoms associated with venous disease and improve venous blood flow. Creating a tight pressure around the foot and ankle that gradually decreases as it moves up the leg and helps promote the normal flow of blood up the leg. If you suffer from spider veins, varicose veins, or venous insufficiency wear compression stockings.

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