The Legacy Acne Bootcamp

Clear, Healthy Skin in 4-6 Months!

Clear Skin in
4-6 Months

Personalized Treatment for your specific needs

Consistent Care from our Acne Experts
What is Acne?
Acne is HARD.
Acne is an inherited disorder of the pores -
pores that shed dead skin cells much faster than normal.
Normal pores shed about one layer of dead skin cells per day inside the pore.
The acne-prone pore sheds up to five layers of dead skin cells per day
and the body just can't keep up.
This forms the microcomedone, the beginning of all acne.
Taking up to 90 days, it turns into blackheads or congestion under the skin; or if bacteria is present (it just loves to feed on the dead skin cells and oil),
it turns into inflamed pimples or pustules and maybe even cysts.

Meet Our Certified Acne Specialists
Taylor, Dana & Katie are Certified Acne Specialists
and will establish a home care routine based
on your skin and acne type.
As experts, they will make necessary adjustments throughout the treatment process.
Additionally, your Acne Specialist will customize each
treatment appointment based on the condition
of your skin at the time.
What to Expect
Consultation & Products
Your Acne Specialist will analyze your skin, then design a product and treatment regimen specifically for your skin and acne type
Consultation = $65.00
Estimated Cost for
Initial Home Care Products
= $200.00 - $300.00
Your Acne Specialist will customize each treatment appointment based on the
condition of your skin at the time.
Sometimes, the skin will need hydration,
and other times you'll need corrective peels
You will come in every two weeks for a treatment with your Acne Specialist
Acne Treatments = $75.00
Your acne can be controlled through the continued use of Face Reality products
and corrective in-clinic treatments.
Once your acne is under control,
it's important to follow your Face Reality regimen to keep your skin clear
Unfortunately, acne cannot be cured,
only controlled
How Long Will It Take To Get Clear?
Because it takes up to 90 days for acne to form,
you may still have 90 days of acne that will surface.
Our acne products and protocol will keep the new acne from
forming that would surface 90 days from now.
The Face Reality Acne System will have your acne under control
in about three to six months (in most cases) depending on your type of acne.
The biggest part of getting your skin clear will be your commitment to doing your home care regimen as instructed and following lifestyle guidelines.


*Patient photos - unedited
How Do I Get Started?
Schedule a consultation!
Your Acne Specialist will analyze your skin, then design a product and treatment regimen specifically for your skin and acne type.